A good drive starts with a good base
It really doesn’t matter what drive you install, if the base is wrong it will always be compromised.
Whether it be Tarmac, Block Paving or Resin it all starts with a solid substrate – as a general rule you need around 120mm of compacted type 1, laid over a quality weed suppressant or Terram.
It starts by carrying out a pre-work inspection. We will need to be made aware of any services which may be a potential hazard, and it is therefore recommended that you point out anything you are aware of prior to work commencing. Gas, water, sewage and electrics should be below 600mm, (cable TV is often close to the surface). These services should be topped with either sand or gravel (and a warning tape to warn of any potential hazard for the gas or electric). However, this isn’t always the case, therefore our installers will always be cautious, as services can be installed too shallow, the ground level may already have been excavated, or older services may be closer to the surface. There is a need to be particularly aware of cable TV services and fibre internet cables.
Installation needs to be to a depth of approximately 250mm. A weed suppressant membrane is installed before adding around 150mm of hard core (Type 1), which is added in two layer’s, which are each compacted. On top of the hardcore we add approximately 60mm of washed grit, which is graded (Levelled) and compacted. Finally, we install the block pavers which vary in depth from 50mm to 80mm. The outer edge blocks or edger’s need to be secured with a bed of cement and hunched to ensure there is no outward movement from the drive, The final stage once the blocks have been laid, is to secure them in place with Kiln Dried sand. This is simply poured onto the surface and brushed into the joints between the blocks and vibrated into place, ensuring everything is solid and interlocked.
Existing driveways which have previously been installed, but a different top surface has been used such as Tarmac or concrete, are inspected once the top surface has been removed to establish if the depth of hardcore is sufficient ,and if not, it is topped up as required, It is then compacted before repeating the above process from the washed grit to completion.
Tarmac is as above up to and including the laying of the Type 1. Two layers of tarmac are then added at a depth of around 60mm. The base layer is a course layer usually 40-60mm stones, rolled to compact and a top layer of 6 or 10mm stone (smaller stone finer finish, larger stone more porosity) which is again rolled to compact for use.
Installing Resin as a brand new installation is a similar process, although Resin can be installed on to an existing concrete, block paving or tarmac driveway, subject to the substrate being solid and weed free.
Please note this is a simply guide as every job is assessed on its own merits.